After much time away, I've renewed my dedication to posting helpful (hopefully) information here for other's who find enjoyment in sewing.
To start things off, I've added a new tutorial for my version of the Mason Jar Pincushion. Here's the link: Mason Jar Pincushion.
I've made and sold many of these in my etsy shop. Not only are they super useful to anyone who sews, but they make great gifts as well!
While any mason jar would work, I find the wide mouth versions to be easy to reach into - and I like the shorter/flatter version (8oz wide mouth Ball Mason Jar).
As for glue, I use Gutermann Creativ Textile Glue. I find this one to be the best for adhering glue to metal. I use this glue on my kiss lock coin purses as well. It's super strong and doesn't take forever to set.
Well, hopefully you find the tutorial helpful to you! It's been a while since I put one together - let me know what you think!
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